The Brothers Karamazov

Fyodor Mihailoviç Dostoyevski
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Completed only two moths before his death, The Brothers Karamazov is Dostoyevsky's largest, most expansive, most life-embracing work. Fiiled with human passions lust, greed, love jealousy, sorrow, and humor the book is also infused with moral issues and the issue of collective guit. As in many of Dostoyevsky's novels, the plot centers on a young officer utterly unrestrained in love, hatred, jealousy, and generosity; Ivan, an intellectual capable of delivering, impromptu, the most brillant, lively, and unforgettable disquistions about good and evil, God and the devil; and evil, God and the devil; and Alyosha, the youngest brother, preternaturally patient, good, and loving.
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